martes, 21 de octubre de 2008

Decanter Chile 2008 guide

Whilst reading an article called "Pillars of strength" by Steven Spurrier in the Decanter Chile 2008 guide. I could not help but notice how some very good wines and vineyards had been left out, especially those from Casablanca.

Although Casa Marin with their Riesling and Gewurtstraminer, Leyda with thier Pinot, and Matetic with thier EQ Syrah (Technically San Antonio y Leyda Valleys)had been mentioned, i was extreamly suprised that William Cole, Catrala, Veramonte and Viña Mar had not been included.

Another suprise was Viña Aquitania, Sol de Sol Chardonnay, Malleco 2006 being dubbed the best Chardonnay in Chile, surely this is not true and the best of this variety is only to be found in Casablanca, which has the perfect terroir in Chile for such wines.

Further on in the suplement Peter Richards writes on the Limari valley as the next big thing and stating that Chardonnay happens to be the rising star from this part of Chile and in fact Limari has some remarkable similarities to Casablanca. It is not to say that an article on Limari is not warranted, but for the life of me i could not quite understand the exclution of Casablanca.

It so happens that in this 34 page glossy pull out Veramante had taken out a full page colour advert “Where would you plant your vines?” slap bang in the middle of the article on Limari which provide an interesting little juxtapose and a reminder of where the best whites are made.

“Digging Deep” is the article by Anthony Rose and atlast we see something on Casablanca but not regarding Sauvignon Blanc o Cardonnay, but Pinot Noir and the vineyard mentioned is Casas Del Bosque and includes interviews from Felipe Garcia and Felipe Uribe. It would have been good to have ackknowledged Villard, Kingston, Catrala and Viñamar who in my opinoin has produced a smashing Pinot Noir within the 3000 peso price region.

While profoundly wanting this Decanter pull out to give more recognition to the valley where i work and admire the intirerity of its wine, you can not help but feel enthuiastic about Chilean wine as a whole, after reading this collection of articles and promotions. “The new worlds most exiting wine country” as is stated on the front cover. Living here and plying my trade in this industry i can truely say Chilean wine is very striking indeed.

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